Center for Structural Genomics of Infectious Diseases

MgRNA: Classification of Mg2+ binding sites in RNA crystal structures

Mg2+ site Bimg in 2QBI (4Å) -- RIBOSOME : Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome from escherichia coli in complex with gentamicin and ribosome recycling factor (rrf). this file contains the 50s subunit of the first 70s ribosome, with gentamicin and rrf bound. the entire crystal structure

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Jmol: an open-source Java viewer for chemical structures in 3D http://www.jmol.org/
Binding environment of Mg2+ Bimg
undefined text in other_site_type_text
Coordination Number
Qv # 0.00
Qs # 0.00
Qe # 0.00
Mouse click action:
Left-Click to rotate
Shift-Left-Click up & down to zoom
Right-Click for Jmol's context menu
Additional controls:
Inner-sphere Residue Name:
Outer-sphere Moiety Name:
Metal Distances:
Outer-sphere Distances:
B factor(Occupancy):
Nucleic Acid Cartoon:
On Off
On Off
On Off
On Off
On Off
On Off
On Off
On Off

# Validation parameters Qv, Qs, Qe are defined in the range of 0 to 1, with 0 indicating poorest reliability and higher value indicating a more reliable site
Qv measures the agreement of the inner-sphere bond valence summation with the oxidation state of Mg2+ (+2)
Qs measures the geometrical symmetry of the ligands distribution around the Mg2+ required for octahedral geometry
Qe measures the agreement of the isotropic atomic displacement (B) factor and occupancy of the Mg2+ compared to those of all atoms in its environment

Developed by Heping Zheng and Ivan Shabalin at Minor lab (http://olenka.med.virginia.edu/CrystUVa/)
For any help please contact <dust@iwonka.med.virginia.edu>