Center for Structural Genomics of Infectious Diseases

MgRNA: Classification of Mg2+ binding sites in RNA crystal structures

Mg2+ site A2645 in 4B3R (3Å) -- RIBOSOME : Crystal structure of the 30s ribosome in complex with compound 30

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Binding environment of Mg2+ A2645
Mg2+ bound by non-RNA
Coordination Number 3
Qv # 0.07
Qs # 0.54
Qe # 0.93
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# Validation parameters Qv, Qs, Qe are defined in the range of 0 to 1, with 0 indicating poorest reliability and higher value indicating a more reliable site
Qv measures the agreement of the inner-sphere bond valence summation with the oxidation state of Mg2+ (+2)
Qs measures the geometrical symmetry of the ligands distribution around the Mg2+ required for octahedral geometry
Qe measures the agreement of the isotropic atomic displacement (B) factor and occupancy of the Mg2+ compared to those of all atoms in its environment

Developed by Heping Zheng and Ivan Shabalin at Minor lab (http://olenka.med.virginia.edu/CrystUVa/)
For any help please contact <dust@iwonka.med.virginia.edu>